Bids & RFPs

September 19, 2023

The Town of Aquinnah through its Infrastructure Committee is requesting quotes for labor related to demolition and repairs to the exterior of its Police Headquarters. A contract will be awarded to the most responsible vendor offering the requested services as solely determined by the Infrastructure Committee to be in the best interest of the Town. Quotes must be returned to the Town in writing received no later than 12 Noon on November 6, 2023. Responses received after that time and date will not be considered.

Responses may be emailed to or mailed to Town Administrator, 955 State Road, Aquinnah, MA 02535.

Project Location:

955 State Road, Aquinnah, MA

Scope of Services:

Contractor shall provide labor necessary to perform services in a workmanlike manner in accordance with all standard industry practices and properly keep the premises clear of all accumulated debris. Pipe staging (if necessary) and dumpster(s) will be supplied by the Town. Contractor shall maintain site in a clean and safe condition at all times, with all materials stored properly or disposed of on a daily basis. Contractor understands work area is located within an area that is used by the general public on a daily basis and shall take precautions necessary to maintain a safe environment around the work area.


Contractor shall strip and dispose of cedar shingles, nails or other fasteners, flashing, underlayment and any other ancillary materials in a Town supplied dumpster. Contractor shall inspect sidewall and framing members for rot and/or any other damage, identify any weakened areas and report it to the Town Building Inspector, or his designee, with a recommendation on how to repair.  The Building Inspector, or his designee, will provide instructions on how to proceed. Once the Building Inspector, or his designee, determines the framing and sheathing to be suitable to receive new siding materials Contractor shall proceed to install new framing, siding and cedar shingles and trim supplied by the Town.

Replace Trim:

Contractor shall replace exterior trim as necessary with materials supplied by Town. Contractor shall prime all trim before installation. Contractor shall replace attic vent to match existing vent.


Contractor shall install fiberglass bat insulation and vapor barrier on interior walls.

Work Schedule:

Contractor shall coordinate work with the Building Inspector, or his designee, to minimize disruptions to the office workers and patrons of the Police Department. This work must be completed within 45 days of commencement at the worksite. Consideration will be made for delays caused by inclement weather conditions.

Bidders should note that this contract shall be subject to Prevailing Wage Laws and worksite shall be subject to OSHA regulations. Information on current prevailing wage rates may be obtained from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development.

An on-site bidding/information conference will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, October 25, 2023.

General Requirements:

Per Massachusetts General Law Chapter 149, if the contract price is $25,000.00 or more the Contractor is required to furnish the Town a payment bond of at least 50 percent of the contract price.

Contractor must provide a copy of current Massachusetts Construction Supervisor license.

Contractor shall include a certification of tax compliance as required by M.G.L. chapter 62C, section 49A.

Contractor shall provide proof of current liability insurance coverage.

Bids are not assignable.


Town of Aquinnah will not pay deposits to begin work. However, Contractor may submit weekly